(We are targeting applicants of all genders)
Full time | limited | Announcement number: 862-2024
The Mildred Scheel Career Center (Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum, MSNZ) Frankfurt is a joint institution of the Faculty of Medicine of the Goethe University, the Unimedizin Frankfurt, the University Cancer Center (UCT) Frankfurt-Marburg and the Frankfurt Cancer Institute (FCI) and is funded as one of five excellence programs in Germany by the German Cancer Aid. The Mildred Scheel Career Center (MSNZ) Frankfurt and the Department for General-, Visceral-, Transplant- and Thoracicsurgery, Universitätsmedizin Frankfurt (Prof. Armin Wiegering) are seeking a motivated Scientist, with high interest in translational cancer, to join the MSNZ and the team at the Department for General-, Visceral-, Transplant- and Thoracicsurgery, Universitätsmedizin Frankfurt (Prof. Armin Wiegering).
Further information on the FCI and UCT and their research program can be found at http://fci.health and https://www.uct-frankfurt.de/forschung.html. An overview of the MSNZ is available at http://www.uctfrankfurt.de/msnz.